HCL Interview Questions
HCL Company Details
Company Name: Hindustan Computers Limited Technologies Ltd.
Founders: Shiv Nadar, Arjun Malhotra
Founded: 12 November 1991 (HCL Enterprise- 11 August 1976)
CEO: C. Vijayakumar (October 2016 to -)
Company Type: Global IT Company
Segments: IT and Business Services, BPO, Engineering and R&D Services, Products and Platforms.
Headquarters: Noida, India
Mission Statement: We will be the employer of choice and the partner of choice by focusing on our stated values of Employees First, Trust, Transparency, Flexibility and Value-Centricity.
Corporate Identity Number: L74140DL1991PLC046369
HCL General Interview Questions
- Tell me about Yourself?
- Can you explain about your project?
- What kind of technology you can work for?
- Why do you want to join our organization?
- Give us two of your biggest strengths and weaknesses?
- What skills have you acquired from your work experience?
- What will you find most satisfying about this job?
- Can you work in 24×7 Shifts?
- What are your salary expectations?
- Do you have any questions for me?
For More Questions with Answers ,please check on our YouTube Channel “InterviewGIG”
Real Time Java, OOPs, and Spring Boot Interview Questions for Freshers & Experienced
- Tell me about your Last project?
- What are the oops Concepts?
- What are some Java8 features?
- Can you explain main features of Spring Boot?
- What are the idempotent methods in HTTPs?
- Is java fully or partially object-oriented Programming Language?
- What is the exception?
- What is the use of Interface?
- What are Access Specifiers?
- What is the final keyword in java?
- What is the use of method overloading?
- What is the use of method overriding?
- what are the default methods in interface?
- What are the hibernate Properties?
- What is the use of dependency Injection?
- What is the use of functional interface?
- Write a program on functional Interface?’
- Does it allow default method in functional interface?
- What is the Thread Lifecycle?
- What is the spring Boot?
- What are the spring modules?
- What are the Spring Annotations?
- What is Actuator in Spring Boot?
- What is the syntax of Lamda function?
- How to call default method by using Lamda expression?
- Can we declare an abstract class without ab abstract method?
- Can we able to skip finally block in Exception?
- Can we write multiple catch blocks for single try block?
- Can we declare a main method of class as private?
- Can we use JPA without Hibernate?
- Which method is present in runnable interface?
- Which method is present in thread class?
- How to write our own exception?
- What is the difference between spring framework and spring boot?
- What is the difference between hibernate and JPA?
- What is the difference between get () and load ()?
- What is the difference between break () and continue ()?
- What is the difference between truncate and drop?
- What is the difference between @controller and @rest controller?
- What is the difference between Abstraction and Encapsulation?
- What is the difference between Array List and Linked List?
- What is the difference between Service and component?
- What are the differences between String, String Buffer and String Builder?
- What are the differences between @RequestParam and @Pathvariable?
- What is the difference between compile time and Run Time Exception?
- What is the difference between RESTful and Webservices?
- What are the design patterns used in Java?
- What are bean Scopes?
- What is the inject?
- What is the Auto wired?
- What is Dead Lock?
- What is Annotation?
- What is @Qualifier?
- Can you explain Prototype Design Pattern?
- Which interface and classes you used in your project?
- Write a program for four Arrays
1, 2, 3
4, 5, 6
Output Must be : (1,4,7,8,5,2,3,6,9) Reverse snake order 7, 8, 9.