Here, we highlight some common questions you might be asked during a job interview for SAS related positions. All the best for your interview Preparation.
What is the difference between do while and do until?
How many data types are there in SAS?
How to limit decimal places for variable using PROC MEANS?
What is the difference between PROC MEANS and PROC Summary?
How to specify variables to be processed by the FREQ procedure?
Purpose of double trailing @@ in Input Statement?
How to include or exclude specific variables in a data set?
What are the default statistics that PROC MEANS produce?
What is Program Data Vector (PDV)?
What is DATA _NULL_?
How to remove unique and duplicate values?
What is the difference between NODUP and NODUPKEY Options?
How to sort in descending order?
How to convert a numeric variable to a character variable?
How to convert a character variable to a numeric variable?
What is Difference between SET and MERGE?
What are SYMGET and SYMPUT?
Which date function advances a date, time or datetime value by a given interval?
What is the purpose would you use the RETAIN statement?
Difference between %EVAL and %SYSEVALF?
What Proc glm does?
What is SAS informats?
What are the parameters of Scan function?
Name few SAS functions?
What is the function of tranwrd function?
What is Difference between INPUT and INFILE?
Difference between Missover and Truncover?
How to print observations 4 through 8 from a data set?
What is the difference between '+' operator and SUM function?
What SUBSTR function does?
What is difference between CEIL and FLOOR functions?
What is the Difference between SCAN and SUBSTR?
How to count unique values by a grouping variable?
How to debug SAS Macros?
How to save log in an external file?
How Data Step Merge and PROC SQL handle many-to-many relationship?
What is the smallest length for a numeric and character variable respectively?
What is the difference between SAS PROCs and the SAS DATA STEP?
How can you write a SAS data set to a comma delimited file?
Which SAS statement does not perform automatic conversions in comparisons?
Difference between Input and Put function?
If a variable contains letters or special characters, can it be numeric data type?
What can be the size of largest dataset in SAS?
How to limit decimal places for variable using PROC MEANS?
What is the difference between CLASS statement and BY statement in proc means?
How to specify variables to be processed by the FREQ procedure?
What would be the denominator value used by the mean function if two out of seven arguments are missing?
What is the difference Between Proc Means and Proc Summary?