How to Make a Mobile Friendly Website

Key Measures to Make a Mobile Friendly Website

Mobile phones are one of the widely used gadget that has formed the base of our 21st-century lives. People tend to reach to their mobiles to excess the internet for making transactions with businesses and this is why having a mobile-friendly website is a must. To ensure you aren’t left behind in this era of tough competition and mobile-friendly customers, you need to have a website that is made perfect to work on mobile platforms. While you may already have a website for your business, you need to mold it to match the operational requirements of a smartphone. For this, you need to make design changes that make the website fit the smaller screen and load efficiently for the user’s perusal.

The Importance of a Mobile-Friendly Website 

Before we barge on to the measure of a mobile friendly website, it is first important to understand why your business needs a mobile-friendly website at the first place. Mobile friendly web design has a number of advantages to quote. First of all, it is altered to suit the screen requirements of a mobile phone and hence is faster to upload and thus prevent your customers to bounce to other sites and fosters conversions. Moreover, they boasts a very simple navigation which helps the visitors find whatever they are looking or quickly and easily.

The Best Ways to Build a Mobile-Friendly Website 

Here are a number of measures that you need to keep in mind for making a Mobile-Friendly Website for business

Go for a Responsive Design

When considering the best design option for your business website, you must pick a design that features responsiveness. From a responsive design, we are referring to a design that is made to fit in the screens of all sizes. There are several responsive design options provided by content management systems like WordPress. It is always beneficial and cost-effective to choose a responsive web design than creating two separate websites.

Have limited Amount of Content

A content-rich website might be a boon for browser operations but when on mobile, these websites appear rather intimidating to the users. To ensure your users are entertained and compelled to follow through the website, you must keep minimal content on board. Smaller sentences and paragraphs are the key to a user-friendly website content. Add images but refrain from adding too many of them. All the content must appear in a single column and user should be able to see what is relevant to your business and website.

Adding Images and Videos

Any image or video that you upload to your website must be optimized for mobile phone. This is done to ensure that the audio-visual content you are using is perfect to suit the requirement of a mobile platform. Often heavy files disrupts the site loading speed, hence compressing them is a wise choice.

Eliminate PoP-up and Flash Ads 

Mobile users really don’t like flash or pop-up ads. Specifically flash ads as most of devices do not support the technology anymore. A pop-up ad is enough for a bad user-experience which may cost you loss of a valuable customer.

Pay Attention to Typography

When making a mobile-friendly site, it is important that you pay attention to the typography of the website. Choose the right size and type of font that entices the user to read more and keep them engaged.

These are a few steps to take to ensure you have a mobile-friendly website that allow your customers using mobile phone to access your business and gain required knowledge.

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