How can I save a visualization created with the R package googleVis to a PNG file?

Discussion RoomCategory: CodingHow can I save a visualization created with the R package googleVis to a PNG file?
Admin Staff asked 1 month ago

To save a visualization created using the R package googleVis to a PNG file, you can use the png() function to open a PNG device and then use the print() function to print the visualization to the device. Here’s how you can do it:


# Create a googleVis chart
data <- data.frame(country=c("US", "GB", "BR"), val=c(100, 200, 300))

chart <- gvisPieChart(data, "Country", "Val")
# Open a PNG device
# Print the chart to the device
# Close the PNG device

This will create a PNG file named “chart.png” containing the visualization created with googleVis. You can specify the desired file path and name inside the png() function.

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