Can you explain all the file processing modes supported by Python?

Discussion RoomCategory: Interview QuestionCan you explain all the file processing modes supported by Python?
Ashly asked 5 years ago

In Python, there are 3 modes that allow you to process files:
read-only mode, write-only mode, read-write mode, and append mode by specifying the flags “r”, “w”, “rw”, “a” respectively.
A text file can be opened in any one of the above said modes by specifying the option “t” along with
“r”, “w”, “rw”, and “a”, so that the preceding modes become “rt”, “wt”, “rwt”, and “at”.A binary file can be opened in any one of the above said modes by specifying the option “b” along with “r”, “w”, “rw”, and “a” so that the preceding modes become “rb”, “wb”, “rwb”, “ab”.

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